PT golden westindo artajaya

Employment, Health and Occupational Safety

Why is Occupational Health and Safety Important to Us?

We consider health and safety to be an important aspect of our operations, not only as a legal obligation, but also as an investment in the well-being of our employees and the long-term sustainability of the business. We believe that a safe and healthy work environment creates a productive, innovative and competitive atmosphere.

Our Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety

  1. Integrated K3 Culture: We build an integrated K3 culture in all layers of our organization. We empower every employee to be a change agent in promoting workplace safety practices.
  2. Training and Education: We provide regular training and education on K3 to all our employees. It aims to increase awareness of potential risks and teach skills for coping with dangerous situations.
  3. Safe Use of Equipment and Technology: We ensure that all equipment and technology used in our operations meets the highest safety standards. We also implement regular inspection procedures to ensure equipment safety.
  4. Regular Monitoring and Evaluation: We carry out regular monitoring and evaluation of K3 conditions in the workplace to identify potential risks and take necessary preventive actions.
  5. Commitment to Social Responsibility: Apart from focusing on internal welfare, we are also committed to having a positive impact on our surrounding communities through CSR programs that focus on health and safety.


Puri Indah Financial Tower Lt. 20 Unit 09 – 11
Jl. Puri Lingkar Dalam Blok T.8
RT 001/RW 002, Kembangan Selatan
Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat
DKI Jakarta 11610
Kawasan Industri Millenium Blok I-2 No. 3B
Desa Peusar, Kec. Panongan
Kabupaten Tangerang
Jl. Raya Moch. Toha No. 9A
RT 003/RW 007, Pasawahan, Kec. Dayeuhkolot
Kabupaten Bandung
Jawa Barat 40256
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